New lands, new battles
Apart from some political sympathies with the usual double agendas, the interest for the freak waves disappeared almost as quickly as it started. But not for long.
Even when the final waves had yet to reach the African coastline, a team of SUSA geologists discovered the origin of the large waves.
A spectacular underwater volcanic eruption just created a new archipelo on the Atlantic Ridge. This new piece of real estate in the southern atlantic ocean soon sparked the intrest of half the nations acros the globe. Patrol fleets that were stationed in the Atlantic were the first to arrive.
Gain 60% of enemy MFV
Objective: Destroy 50% or more of the enemy small and medium class vessels (models, not points).
Maximum Fleet Value: 700 points
Naval Core
Max 1 large/massive model
No ships costing more than 250 points
No more than one Battlecruiser
Allied fleets are not allowed
For more information, visit our spellebeen boards
Chinese Federation and Empire of the Blazing Sun fought the first battle, with the Suns coming on top. Some luck was involved, as the CF needed only 20 additional points for a draw.